Excel Relative and Absolute References – Explained

In our last post about Finding duplicates in Excel, we created a clever formula to find only single instance of a duplicate value using the concept of Excel absolute references. In that post, we were unable to discuss further Absolute and Relative references, but today we will understand what these references mean.Excel Relative … [Read more...]

Find and Delete Duplicates in Excel – The Ultimate Guide

While working with huge data tables in Excel there are times when your data may contain duplicate records.To eliminate the confusions that duplicate records may result in and to avoid an unnecessary increase in the physical size of the spreadsheet it is better to find and remove the duplicate records.Today I will be sharing five easy and … [Read more...]

VBA InStr and InStrRev – How to Use

As the name suggests VBA InStr function looks for a substring embedded inside another string and then returns its starting position.  If it cannot find the string inside the parent string then it returns 0. It is a very important function among the string functions in VBA. It is probably the best function to perform string search … [Read more...]

Excel Nested If’s – Explained

In our last post, we talked about the IF Statement, which is one of the most important functions in Excel.  The limitation of the IF statement is that it has only two outcomes. But if you are dealing with multiple conditions then Excel Nested If’s can come in very handy.Nested if’s are the formulas that are formed by multiple if statements one … [Read more...]

How to Unhide Columns in Excel

While doing data analysis in excel you would have noticed that all the data is not important for the end user (can be your boss).Some of the columns are used merely for calculation purpose and that’s why it’s better to hide these columns as they create un-necessary confusions.But now when it comes to unhide these columns, there are few … [Read more...]

How to Find Cells containing Formulas in Excel

A few days back I had a huge spreadsheet in which I had to find out the cells containing formulas. Initially, I was totally clueless about how this task can be done.But later after doing some Google searches, I got a few ideas on how I can effortlessly identify the formula cells in excel.And today to share my experiences with you guys, In … [Read more...]

Excel COUNTIF Function – How to Use

As the name suggests Excel COUNTIF Function is a combination of Count and IF formula. In plain English, COUNTIF Function can be described as a formula that can be used for counting the number of cells that fulfill a particular condition, within a predefined range.How Excel Defines COUNTIF FunctionMicrosoft Excel defines COUNTIF as a formula … [Read more...]

SUM Function in Excel – How to Use

SUM Function is a very popular and useful formula in Microsoft Excel. It is one of the most basic, widely used, and easy to understand arithmetic functions in Excel. As the name suggests SUM Function in Excel performs the addition of numbers. Sum Function can accept numbers both as individual arguments and also as a complete range of cells.How … [Read more...]