How to Change Row Height in Excel (5 Easy Ways + Shortcut)

The standard height of a row that you see in an Excel spreadsheet is dependent upon the font size you are using. The row height by default is enough to display one line of data. While additional data can be added in another cell, many times that would not be favorable and the data will have to be added to the same cell. Such as the example of a … [Read more...]

How to Find a Named Range in Excel (4 Quick & Easy Ways)

All is looking upright in Excel; you've been so organized, have stacked all the worksheets in the most logical order, and have obsessively named over a dozen ranges down to the T. That is what Named Ranges are for, after all, to make the usage of a cell or a range easier in your spreadsheet life.That is just great going but how far are we falling … [Read more...]

How to Group & Ungroup Worksheets in Excel (Easy Steps)

Copy-paste the dataset to one sheet, the next, and also the next. Then a new formula to the same sheets one by one, you guessed it, again. You didn't take the Excel life to be so clerical now, did you? No sir! You will be thrilled to find out that such days are behind you, thanks to Excel's grouping and ungrouping worksheets feature. What you apply … [Read more...]

How to Select Only Visible Cells in Excel (Shortcut + VBA)

Does not sound like an issue, right, because how would you even select cells that aren't visible? You would and that is no magic or the lack of it; that's just a very regular way of Excel. A demonstration you say? Good idea. Let's show you how you'll end up selecting hidden cells with an example. Below we have a dataset of product quality scores … [Read more...]

How to Highlight Expiry Dates in Excel (Step-by-Step)

Expiry dates are not best before dates and carry a higher element of urgency. Expiry dates guide the course of action for saving the articles from expiring. Perishable goods, subscriptions, registrations; some things will need to be renewed, the others disposed of. And keeping a track of things has never been a bad idea.Working on that good idea, … [Read more...]

How to Turn on AutoSave in Excel (3 Easy Ways)

Excel can be your savior when it comes to data but can Excel be your savior when it comes to saving? The answer is yes, and it can do it automatically. Automatically.Isn't that a word that gives you computeresque joy?Today's tutorial is about automatic saving in Excel, shortened to AutoSave and we suppose you're here to find out how it works. … [Read more...]

Find Cells With Conditional Formatting in Excel (Easy Steps)

There is no doubt in the Excel mines that Conditional Formatting is an unparalleled gem used to distinguish cells meeting defined characteristics. Sometimes, however, you may find your mind boggled on what rules belongs where with so much color fill, borders, and various font colors being a general part of worksheets.It also doesn’t help if … [Read more...]

How to Rename a Table in Excel (3 Easy Ways + Shortcut)

By default, the first Table in the workbook is automatically named Table1 by Excel and it goes onto Table2, Table3, and so on. While that's helpful on Excel's part, we bet everyone is like us and can't remember what Table was for which dataset.Say, you want to jump to the Table of overdue orders but can't remember where it is in the workbook … [Read more...]